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Your weekly sex and love horoscope, to help you through Mercury Retrograde



Your weekly sex and love horoscope, to help you through Mercury Retrograde

What’s happening: The Moon is in moody Cancer tonight and Venus is squaring off with Uranus, the planet of surprises. Then, early on Saturday morning, the Moon flies into Leo. On Sunday, Venus in Leo forms an awkward quincunx to Neptune, highlighting the imbalances in your relationships — especially the emotional ones. You’re extra intuitive, but you may spiral into paranoia if you’re feeling unsure about your relationship. Immediately afterwards, Venus enters Virgo. Venus wants to spread love and bring unity, but Virgo wants to (over)think, analyse, and dissect.

Venus forms another quincunx on Monday, this time with Pluto. Translation: Any dark secrets you/your partner have been hiding are coming to light, plus you’re extra horny. Oh, and Mercury Retrograde begins, too. Finally, some good news: On Wednesday, the Sun links up with optimistic Jupiter, helping you feel motivated and optimistic. On the same day, Mercury connects with Venus, making this a great time for sending any messages or correspondences to your lover (just double-check you’re not accidentally sending them to your ex — it is Mercury Retrograde, after all).

What that means for your star sign

There’s a sudden shift happening in your love life. It’s not necessarily positive or negative, but it’s important. Something has been building up, and it’s reaching its climax tonight. This could mean you’re connecting with someone you instantly fall for, trying something (or someone) new in bed with your lover, or getting in a huge fight with your partner or an ex. Starting on Sunday, Venus in Virgo puts your love life into maintenance mode. You’re not getting a lot of action; instead, you’re focusing on making already existing relationship run as smoothly as possible.

You’ve just about had enough of something (or someone). This weekend’s volatile astro-weather pushes you to make a break. If you’re in an imbalanced relationship or a shitty situationship, this could be the time you finally end things off for good. On the other hand, maybe you’re the one holding yourself back. You’re realising that your lack of eagerness to connect, or your negative self-image, and/or your avoidant tendencies are not doing you any favours. The stars can help you make a conscious choice to adjust your mindset and radically alter your behaviour. Then, Venus moving into Virgo on Sunday is a spectacular transit for your sign. Love feels easier, getting laid is a breeze, and sex is hotter than ever!

An ex flame of yours is coming back around for another chance, and it’s up to you to decide whether or not you want them back in your life. If they’re a player, a cheater, or a manipulator, this is your opportunity to find closure and move on for good. But this could also be a moment to reignite the lost spark between yourself and an old situationship or date who you amicably drifted apart from. On account of Mercury Retrograde and Venus’s movement into Virgo, I advise you not rush any decisions. Take your time, think it over, and then decide whether or not to engage with this person you have history with.

If you’re seeing someone casually, dealing with a FWB, or stuck in a situationship, there’s drama ahead. You and the other person aren’t on the same page. One of you thinks it’s getting serious, and the other one is just having casual fun. Or maybe you are on the same page, but you’re not letting the other know. You could be really into them, but in an effort to “act casual,” you’re not letting them know. Speak up and make sure you ask your partner to share their opinions, too. You might be on the exact same page!

This is a stellar weekend for standing out, especially if you’re single. Venus is in your sign and it’s squaring Uranus. Translation: The stars are demanding that you show yourself off! Put on your favourite outfit (or buy a new one), get glammed up, be confident, and go out on the town. People are absolutely eating you up right now, and getting laid or finding a date will be easier than ever. Take advantage of this astro while you can, because when Venus moves into Virgo on Sunday, your love life slows down.

You’re way too in your head right now, Virgo. You’re picking up on every little thing that your partner is doing, and Neptune’s influence this weekend is making you jump to the worst conclusions. Sometimes, a delayed text back means your S.O. was in a work meeting, not that you’re getting ghosted. If your partner isn’t in the mood, it’s not because they’re not attracted to you – they’re just not in the mood! Try not to worry (I know, it’s much easier said than done). Venus moves into your sign on Sunday, which brings lots of luck to your love life!

Libra, make sure you enjoy Venus’s last couple days in Leo. If you’re single, Friday and Saturday are the time to be put yourself out there! Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, and the amount of action you’re getting will go way down. Venus in Virgo often brings back exes for your sign, and Mercury Retrograde, which starts on Monday, also has a reputation for bringing back exes. Oh, and Virgo season? It may be a couple weeks away, but it also brings back exes. Tl;dr: Go ahead and block your ex now to save yourself the drama (or don’t block them, post that sexy selfie, and wait for their DM).

Venus is clashing with unpredictable Uranus while catching punches from hazy Neptune and intense Pluto this weekend. This chaotic astro is amplifying all of your thoughts, feelings, and anxieties around love. You can meet someone new, but you won’t just have a crush — you’re practically in love with them! If an argument happens, you’re not just upset with your partner — you can’t stand them, and you want them to go away! Moderation is key right now, and so is keeping it real with yourself. Don’t make any big decisions in your love life this week, Scorpio. Think things over, take it slow, and act deliberately.

Tonight’s astro is hot and spicy, and it’s easier than ever for you to find someone to flirt and fool around with. You’re feeling more interested in people who aren’t your typical type. This curious energy also translates to the bedroom. It’s a great time to play around with something (or someone) new and get a little kinky! After Venus moves into Virgo on Sunday, however, you have less time for fun and games. Hookups and flings don’t sound so enticing anymore. Now, you’re looking for commitment.

Venus’ journey through Leo has made your love life, for lack of a better word, intense. The highs have been higher, the lows have been lower, and now you’re exhausted. Here’s some good news: Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, and it’s turning your love life around! For the next few weeks, you’re feeling extroverted and eager to meet new people. If you’re single, getting laid or finding a date is easier, and if you’re coupled up, this is a great time to try new things in and out of the bedroom. BTW, keep an eye on your inbox on Wednesday. A long-distance lover/crush/ex is reaching out, and they’ve got something big to say.

Venus has spent the past few weeks in your chart’s relationships zone, helping you strengthen your partnerships and forge new connections. On Sunday, Venus is moving into Virgo, activating your chart’s zone of intimacy. Sex is more erotic and passionate now, and you’re able to feel truly entangled with your partner. If you’re in a relationship, this is spectacular for getting to know your partner on a deeper, more meaningful level, but if you’re single, be careful! Hookups are all but guaranteed to lead to you catching feelings. On Wednesday, Jupiter’s influence makes you much luckier with love. If you’ve been thinking about shooting your shot with your crush, that’ll be your golden opportunity!

Your love life is about to accelerate, Pisces! Venus enters Virgo on Sunday and activates your chart’s relationships zone. These next few weeks are the best time to meet your next crush, get coupled up, or grow closer than ever to your partner. The problem is, Mercury Retrograde starts this week, too… and it’s also in your chart’s relationships zone. This means you’ll be spending a lot of time bumping into exes, too. My advice? Enjoy the new connections as you meet them, and if you bump into an ex, use it as an opportunity to find closure and move on—just make it fast, because you don’t want to miss out on any of the hotties who are trying to hit you up!

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