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Your Pisces monthly horoscope for October



Your Pisces monthly horoscope for October

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • October 2: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

  • October 9: Jupiter Retrograde begins in Gemini

  • October 11: Pluto goes direct in Capricorn

  • October 13: Mercury enters Scorpio

  • October 17: Full Moon in Aries

  • October 17: Venus enters Sagittarius

  • October 22: Scorpio season begins

You’re reflecting on the give and take in your relationships, Pisces. Libra season puts a spotlight on the reciprocity you experience in your close connections. Who is truly worthy of your thoughtful care, and which relationships in your life seem to take more than they give in return? You may come to realise where you give your power away and be ready to take your power back. Important financial conversations are also happening as you explore the expectations in your shared resources with partners and roommates.

The month begins with a New Moon solar eclipse in Libra on October 2, bringing changes with your finances and fated endings and beginnings to some of your closest ties. Maybe a contract ends abruptly or a new opportunity you want to pursue lands in your inbox. Emotionally, you’re facing some of your fears and insecurities. Deep healing can take place when you choose to be vulnerable.

Romance is in the air when Venus in Scorpio mingles with Mars in Cancer on October 8. Maybe you book an impromptu trip with a lover or even decide to discuss the future. This also brings a lot of creative energy your way and is a great day for moving along conversations about some of your desires, personal projects, and to share your feelings and ideas with others. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, goes retrograde in Gemini on October 9, encouraging to reflect on any important family dynamics, generational patterns, or your living situation. Maybe you’re ready to return to a place you used to live or reconsidering whether a move would ultimately be helpful. Intuitive messages and feelings that come through today are strong and accurate.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters Scorpio on October 13, and you’re in an idea phase. This is a great time to consider all of the possibilities—don’t limit yourself to one option. You can learn exciting news or decide to learn something new. You’re more in tune with the spiritual world—if you’re into the occult, this is the time to book an astrology or tarot reading. You’re also more apt to take risks, book travel, and stand up for your beliefs. There is tension in the air when the Sun in Libra slams into Mars in Cancer on October 14, but this can stir up sexual energy, too. You might spend the day in bed with a lover, exploring some of your kinks and fantasies. On the other hand, this energy can kick up jealousy and insecurities.

On the same day, Venus in Scorpio locks eyes with Uranus in Taurus, bringing unexpected news your way. You could hear from someone out of the blue or maybe a friend puts you in touch with someone new. Surprising connections are formed and conversations feel a little odd, exciting, jarring, or disruptive. It’s hard to tell how this energy will play out because Uranus is the planet of unexpected events! Try to go with the flow and don’t put pressure on yourself to stick with a schedule.

The Full Moon in Aries on October 17 puts a spotlight on your financial world. Maybe you’re accepting a raise or promotion, or a job or contract ends. You could also make an important purchase, like putting down a deposit to rent an apartment or maybe you’re paying down some debt. On the same day, Venus, the planet of connection, enters Sagittarius and you’re standing out! Your talent, gifts, and hard work are gaining recognition and other people are eager to collaborate with you. This could bring new work opportunities or just boost your sense of confidence. There’s drama in your social circle when the Sun in Libra bumps into Pluto in Capricorn on October 22. The veil has lifted and you’re finally seeing other people’s true intentions. You may need to set boundaries or call out a “frenemy” in your midst.

Later in the day, the Sun enters Scorpio and puts you in a more optimistic mood. This Scorpio season, you’re having hopeful conversations and learning important news. If you’re working on any writing or speaking projects, you can gain attention for these efforts. A new mentor could also enter your life. This is a busy time for your mind: You’re curious and want to absorb as much information as possible. Get yourself to your local library and follow your curiosity. You’re brushing up against resistance when Venus in Sagittarius rams into Saturn in your sign on October 28. You could hear a no when you were hoping for a yes. Maybe you don’t get the job you applied for or promotion you were hoping for. It’s hard to not take news personally today. Just know this is a temporary setback.

More jarring news arrives when Mercury in Scorpio stares down Uranus in Taurus on October 30. You could shock others with what you choose to share today, experience a sudden change in your personal beliefs or mindset, or learn some surprising news. Fortunately, the month ends on a calmer note when Mercury in Scorpio links up with Neptune in your sign on October 31. Your intuition is laser-accurate today and you could have some healing conversations. This is a beautiful day for expressing your feelings and moving forward on creative projects. Keep a dream journal; important messages are coming up while you rest. Happy Halloween!

Zodiac compatibility… explained

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