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Your love horoscope for the week can help you avoid disappointment



Your love horoscope for the week can help you avoid disappointment

What’s happening: The Moon is in Leo for most of the weekend, inspiring creativity, romance, and excitement, but Venus is forming a cranky sesquiquadrate aspect with Jupiter at the same time. Translation: Look out for overindulgence and setting your expectations too high. On Sunday morning, the Moon enters Virgo, and both the Sun and Mercury oppose the North Node, indicating that there’s something you need to let go of in order to develop into your greatest possible self.

Then, the Sun links up with Mercury on Monday, encouraging exciting and important conversations, while Mars and Saturn team up to give you a clear head and navigate these convos easily. On Tuesday, the Moon enters the lovely sign of relationships, Libra, where it remains until the end of the week.

What that means for *you*:

For the entire duration of this week’s horoscope, your chart’s zone of relationships is being hit by plenty of astro-weather, good and bad. The biggest takeaway from this astrology is that this is a weekend where major relationship choices are being made, and you’re the one making the decisions. Tough conversations are happening, and the way you carry yourself through these convos will determine the outcome of your week. There are some old relationship habits that you and/or your partner need to drop. Moving on from your old ways and trying a new method is tough, but may be necessary.

Let’s not bite off more than we can chew, okay? You’re slow to make a decision, but once you do commit, you’re basically with it for life. You’re experiencing some big feelings for someone this weekend. Maybe you’re falling for someone new! Maybe you’re finding extra love for your current partner! Regardless, your heart is full and you’re feeling that urge to lock it down. If it’s an appropriate time to do so, this can be an amazing move. Like if you’ve been on lots of dates with someone, now’s a good time for DTRing. Or if you’ve been going steady with someone for a while, now’s a good time to bring up moving in together. Some examples of inappropriate uses of this astrology could be dropping the “L” word after a second date or eloping on your third. Be sensible!

The Leo Moon this weekend plus all of the energy in lovey Libra provides you with plenty of opportunities to mix, mingle, and meet new people. Oh, and all of you single Geminis out there are pretty damn likely to get at least a little action. The only real catch here is that this astro-weather isn’t the best for stable, long-term relationships. Hookups and flings, though? They can be tonnes of fun right now! Your love life in and out of the bedroom improves even more starting on Tuesday, thanks to the Libra Moon activating your chart’s zone of romance, sex, and fun.

I’d keep my eyes peeled for an ex lurking around, if I were you. Venus’ tough transit with Jupiter this weekend is the highlight of your horoscope and it signifies that you’re likely to bump into an ex-flame or former lover. It’s easy to idealise the past or to try or think, “Hey, maybe they’ve changed.” Listen, they’re your ex for a reason! Sure, you had some good times, but let’s not forget the bad times that led to your eventual breakup. I’m not saying start a fight—as a matter of fact, I encourage you to be sweet to them! At the very least, you’ll find closure. Maybe you’ll have a new friend afterwards, but under no circumstances do I recommend getting back together with your ex right now. Bad idea!

The Moon in your sign on top of Venus’s presence in intense Scorpio makes for an emotional weekend, which is a bit of a double-edged sword. If you’re single, you’re feeling lonelier, and maybe even a bit desperate. But if you’re seeing someone or dating around, the potential for romance is through the roof! This is a week where productive, important conversations about the future of your relationship are taking place. If you’re single, Monday’s cazimi Mercury is the perfect transit for shooting your shot and asking someone out. You’ll be able to find the perfect words to say!

There’s a little bit of chaos happening this weekend, but most of it is internal. You’re having a lot of feelings right now, and not necessarily nice ones. Your anxious or avoidant tendencies are coming out more strongly, and if you aren’t able to regulate your feelings, then you might find yourself lashing out on your partner. You might get left on read for a couple of hours, or your partner just might be in a funk. Instead of internalising things, thinking you did something wrong, and freaking out, take a deep breath and chill for a beat. Monday’s astro finds you in a much more reasonable state of mind. If you find that these intense feelings are being provoked by actual, real problems, not just your anxiety, then you can work on finding a solution.

The Moon in Leo this weekend lights up the most social part of your chart, so if you’re single, get ready to do plenty of mingling! You’re getting lots and lots of attention this weekend, and you’re really eating it up. All around you are opportunities to flirt, find a date, and get laid. The problem is that you run the risk of over-committing and tiring yourself out. There’s no doubt that you’re going to get tonnes of hotties’ numbers when you go out this weekend, but instead of planning to meet up with eight or nine of them this week, maybe stick to just two or three. That way you can still have fun without getting exhausted or overbooked.

Moderation is key this weekend, Scorpio. As one of the most emotional signs, when you fall for someone, you fall hard. You’re slow to trust and don’t easily open up, but once you do find that someone, they’re yours. This weekend, you’re finding that you’re feeling ready to fall, you want to be theirs, and you need them to be yours. You’re an intense person and you take things from zero to one hundred fast, but try to avoid overdoing things. If you go on an extremely successful date with someone, that is not your cue to say “I love you.” Instead, find pleasure in the experience and let the other person know that you’re eager to do it again. You have to get from point A to point B before jumping all the way to point Z.

This weekend’s Leo Moon activates your chart’s 9th House, which rules adventure, so it’s the best time for spicing up your love life. Get kinky, try something new, or go on a date with someone who’s not your usual type, and I promise you’re guaranteed to have an awesome time! All of the Libra astro-weather this week is great for single Sagittariuses because it activates your chart’s most social zone. New love opportunities are coming around right now and finding a date has never been easier. One thing to look out for, though, is Venus in Scorpio’s influence making it more likely that you’ll run into an ex.

Situationships, dates, and FWBs are becoming a little complicated right now. You and the other person have enough in common to keep doing what you’re doing, but you’re both realising that when it comes to your long-term future together (or lack thereof), you’re both… pretty clueless as to what the other one is thinking. Bringing it up will lead to you realising that your goals are, most likely, not in exact alignment. But this doesn’t have to be a deal breaker! Maybe you’re looking for a serious relationship and they’re not. By bringing it up, they could decide to be open to the idea, too. The opposite can be true too, however—maybe you’d prefer to keep it casual and the other person wants something more, and then you have to let them down easy. The point is, you’re ending this week with a tonne of clarity on the state of your love life as well as the goals you have for your future relationships.

Message from the stars incoming: You can’t have your cake and eat it, too. You’re with someone you really like, and you can tell that they like you too, but you don’t want to lock down the relationship because what if someone better comes along? This isn’t a self-preserving attitude—it’s an anxious response coming from your fear of commitment. You might say, “What if I miss all the attention I get on the dating apps?” Sure, dating apps make you happy when you get a match, but that’s nothing compared to the meaningful sense of fulfilment that comes from an actual relationship. “What if they give me the ick?” Listen, everybody on the planet has something that’ll give you the ick. Even you! None of these “what if” questions are doing you any favours. If you like someone, and they like you, get together. It’s really that simple.

This weekend, I want you to enjoy new things. Go somewhere or share an experience with your partner. Say “yes” when someone who’s not your usual type asks you on a date. Get a little kinky in bed. Variety is the spice of life, and to prevent your love life from getting stale or boring, you gotta shake things up. Here’s an idea! Saturn, the planet of restriction, is in your sign, vibing with horny Mars, which means that BDSM could be fun right now. Whatever you do, seek out new sensations and experiences and I promise you’ll have an amazing time.

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