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Your horoscope for the week of 22nd September is here



Your horoscope for the week of 22nd September is here

Overview: First comes understanding, then comes courage. On Tuesday, an inspiring trine between Mercury in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus provides a simple but powerful breakthrough for your problems. On Thursday, Mercury enters Libra and stays there until 13th October, helping you handle differences in relationships with greater acceptance and harmony. This weekend’s emotionally expressive Leo Moon gives you the chance to share your emotions, wishes, fears, and longings with people who need to hear them.

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope for the week ahead:

Focus, Aries! A Mercury-Uranus trine on Tuesday inspires you to zoom in, stay focused, and see how the solution is in the details of a situation. Mercury enters your Libra-ruled relationship zone on Thursday, giving you the communication skills to improve your romantic connections. A joyful Leo Moon this week supports your confidence, enthusiasm, and willingness to be seen and loved.

Time to talk, Taurus. A helpful Mercury-Uranus trine on Tuesday inspires you to approach a hard topic, rather than avoiding it. Mercury enters your Libra-ruled wellbeing zone on Thursday, supporting your efforts to improve your mind, body, heart, and spirit. This weekend’s emotionally engaging Leo Moon helps you connect with your home and family in a meaningful way.

What even is closure, Gemini? A Mercury-Uranus trine on Tuesday reframes endings for you so you can live more optimistically in the present. Mercury enters your Libra-ruled confidence zone on Thursday, boosting your self-esteem, creative skills, and passions. This weekend’s Leo Moon wants you to step into a leadership role when there are hard conversations so you can facilitate equal speaking and listening.

Communication equals connection, Cancer. A thoughtful Mercury-Uranus trine on Tuesday inspires you to express your love through language and behaviour. Mercury enters your Libra-ruled emotionality zone on Thursday, giving you ideas that boost your emotional intelligence. This weekend’s grounding Leo Moon wants you to embrace a slower pace and more spaciousness where you need it.

Ka-ching, Leo! Tuesday’s Mercury-Uranus trine gives you a breakthrough when it comes to making more money. Mercury enters your Libra-ruled communication zone on Thursday, softening your approach to maximise understanding. This weekend’s Leo Moon shines for you, so pursue joy, pleasure, and experiences that light you up.

Eureka, Virgo! A major realisation is arriving on Tuesday thanks to the Mercury-Uranus trine, so apply this wisdom for quick results. Mercury enters your Libra-ruled income zone on Thursday, extending opportunities for belated birthday cash. This weekend’s Leo Moon is a restful one, so retreat for helpful reflection.

Happy birthday, Libra! Focus on the here and now under Tuesday’s Mercury-Uranus trine so the pain of the past doesn’t travel with you. Mercury enters your sign on Thursday, giving you even more intelligence, problem-solving skills, and ideas that support the changes you want to make in your life. Get together with your friends this weekend because the Leo Moon is perfect for celebration.

Trust is tricky, Scorpio. Have a hard chat with your friends this Tuesday under the supportive Mercury-Uranus trine, which helps you clear the air. Mercury enters Libra on Thursday and supports your healing efforts, so make time for retreat, renewal, and reflection before your birthday season. This weekend’s Leo Moon is productive and ambitious, so let it guide you to dreams fulfilled.

You’re on fire, Sag! Tuesday’s Mercury-Uranus trine gives you sound strategies that help you achieve amazing professional results, so trust them. Mercury enters your Libra-ruled friendship zone on Thursday, so clock out of work and connect with your community—people want to support you. This weekend’s Leo Moon is prime for adventure, so take your curiosities and wanderlust to new places!

The glass is half full, Capricorn! An optimistic Mercury-Uranus trine on Tuesday helps you see a situation more positively as a practical approach because cynicism is ineffective. Mercury moves into Libra on Thursday and attracts colleagues who want to see you succeed. This weekend’s Leo Moon is a sexy, intimate one, so pursue pleasure, not just productivity!

Truth is complex, Aquarius. A nuanced Mercury-Uranus trine on Tuesday inspires you to see a situation from a more complicated lens, not a zero-sum, either/or POV. Mercury enters your Libra-ruled exploration zone on Thursday, helping you take to the skies (and schools!) so you can expand your horizons. This weekend’s Leo Moon is prime for flirting, seduction, date nights, and romance.

Requests over resentments, Pisces. A Mercury-Uranus trine on Tuesday inspires you to ask for what you want proactively so you’re not resentful later on. Mercury enters your Libra-ruled intimacy zone on Thursday, helping you understand how language fuels greater passion. This weekend’s Leo Moon helps you get ahead on your administrative tasks and demolish that to-do list.

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