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Weekly horoscope for April 28 – May 04: What the stars have in store for sign



Weekly horoscope for April 28 – May 04: What the stars have in store for sign

OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.


MAR 21 – APR 20


It’s time to take charge as passion gets a Venus value boost

As your planet boss Mars marches into your own sign, joining Mercury’s new forward thrust, this is your moment to take charge. 

Not just of work, family and love bonds, but of your own mindset. 

Believing you can succeed, and feeling the buzz this brings, is your natural state for the next few weeks. 

Passion gets a Venus value boost, and quietest times together can yield the biggest changes.


APR 21 – MAY 21

Maybe's turn into definite dates overnight with Venus on your side


Maybe’s turn into definite dates overnight with Venus on your side

Now you welcome Venus into the already packed planet schedule in your sign. 

You’re even more lovingly open than ever, with the ability to win even the most wounded or wary hearts.

If you’re attached, a couple can move from vague discussions to definite dates, almost overnight. 

The power of Pluto pushes back in your career sector, and you rise above negative work habits that have held you back.


MAY 22 – JUNE 21

Love gets dreamier as Pluto's upcoming retrograde falls on personal journeys


Love gets dreamier as Pluto’s upcoming retrograde falls on personal journeys

Pluto is the lord of disruption and for you, the key focus of Pluto’s upcoming retrograde falls on personal journeys.

There may be hold-ups, or setbacks in some big plans, between now and October – but this gives you the chance to change any part, or person, you are not 100% happy with. 

That includes your own outlook. 

As love gets dreamier, partners reveal sultry hidden sides of themselves.


JUNE 22 – JULY 22

Your time of putting up with too much, or too little is over now


Your time of putting up with too much, or too little is over now

If your feelings are all over the place this week, it can be Pluto spinning back – embrace this, it has so much to teach you. 

A time of putting up with too much, or asking for too little, can end as you try assertiveness for size. 

It’s easier than it has been for months to just say “No”. 

Mars’ energy in your success sector lifts career hopes to a new high.


JULY 23 – AUG 23

You're on a roll when it comes to love with refreshing bonds that await


You’re on a roll when it comes to love with refreshing bonds that await

As Venus turns on-off love into an upward trend, you can feel more powerful in passion, but also more able to roll with romance. 

Being yourself is your love secret, and exactly what a cool Aquarius is waiting for. 

Refreshing bonds – and maybe ending some that have run their course – is Pluto’s planet territory for the next few months. 

It’s not always easy, but it can feel so right.


AUG 24 – SEPT 22

Pluto ends any time of denial over work and wellbeing


Pluto ends any time of denial over work and wellbeing

Any time of denial over work, or general wellbeing, can end as Pluto pushes back. 

Absolute honesty, especially with yourself, is your key skill, as it helps you see shortcuts to the changes you know you need. 

Now you face trouble, and you tackle it head on, instead of hiding. 

So get ready to surprise the world. 

Love is rooted in learning, trust yourself not to repeat a recent mistake.


SEPT 23 – OCT 23

Creativity is at an all time high but avoid gossip at work


Creativity is at an all time high but avoid gossip at work

The darker side of your imagination is so vivid from this week on, and it’s a great time to think about writing that thriller story or script.

But beware of falling into a gossip trap, especially at work – keep answers non-committal. 

Love-wise, however, with Mars passion and Venus intimacy both on the up, you are a partner in a million.

Single? First see your soulmate helping a stranger.


OCT 24 – NOV 22

Venus kick starts your belief in 'happily ever after' via 'P'


Venus kick starts your belief in ‘happily ever after’ via ‘P’

Family life may be good enough – but you could make it great. 

Planet upheaval in your chart spurs you on to be bolder in what you suggest, but more careful who you trust. 

Venus moves to your happy ever after zone – you can go from meeting to marrying in days, via “P”.

Already in love?

Be grateful for what you have, but also do ask for what you need.


NOV 23 – DEC 21

Commitment barriers are broken as Mars fires up your flirtation


Commitment barriers are broken as Mars fires up your flirtation

Finding work you love gets easier with Venus on board. 

You can recognise how unique your skills are, and sense which direction to steer them next. 

It may be a slow process, but you have planet support. 

Mars fires up flirtation, giving you that unique allure everyone wants to explore further – even an apparently aloof Gemini. 

Partners let the heat rise in romance and break a commitment barrier together.


DEC 22 – JAN 20

Get ready to try something new, with less caution this time


Get ready to try something new, with less caution this time

Pluto hitting retrograde in your money sector could be seen as a challenge – but it’s the kind you will love. 

Out with the old systems and strategies, as you are ready to try something totally new. 

Less cautious, but also less limiting. 

Love-wise, there’s so much joy and romance around you, so open your eyes and see who’s on the sidelines of your life already, longing to come closer.


JAN 21 – FEB 18

Don't let yourself be rushed and make firm decisions without losing ground


Don’t let yourself be rushed and make firm decisions without losing ground

For the first time in your birth sign, Pluto hits reverse, and you could feel recent firm decisions losing ground.

Take this as a plus – a chance to add more time and thought to a set of personal changes. 

Don’t let yourself be rushed, you’ll emerge stronger from this process.

The foundations of love are Venus-reinforced, so even if details have to change, deep commitment stays the same.


FEB 19 – MAR 20

Mars encourages you to take on bolder risks this week


Mars encourages you to take on bolder risks this week

Even if you’re not a risk-taker by nature, Mars encourages a bolder outlook on life, and love, this week. 

Try it and see. 

While Venus is in talkative mood, turning vague hopes into carefully drafted words. 

Secrets may make you feel strong, but if the burden of carrying them is too great, you could end up weaker. 

Do give this some thought.  Luck travels North to South.

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