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This is your invitation to GO BIG with this year’s spicy Aries Full Moon



This is your invitation to GO BIG with this year’s spicy Aries Full Moon

Lights! Camera! ACTION! The Aries Full Moon on October 17th is a reminder that, to reach where you wanna go in life, sometimes you need to get off your tush and set the wheels in motion.

There’s the age-old saying: ‘If you want something done, do it yourself’ and this could accurately describe the Big Aries Energy we experience during this lunar phase.

As the very first sign on the zodiac wheel, Aries is the ultimate initiator. It’s linked to independence, motivation, and the kind of ‘can do’ zeal we associate with having a decent eight-hour sleep followed by a cafetiere of Ecuadorian dark roast for breakfast.

Aries energy makes us want to chart new courses and boldly explore new worlds – sometimes peacefully, and sometimes via bloody conquest. As a cardinal Fire sign, it represents pioneering action. Passionate, determined and feisty, the sign of the ram is here to encourage us to strike while the iron is hot.

Yet in the same way an excess of caffeine can give us the jitters, and too much heat in the pan can cause the fat to spit, then a surplus of Aries energy shortens the fuse on our temper. This Full Moon has the potential to trigger confrontational and antagonistic behaviour.

Be aware that the energy of this Moon can lead you to muscle your way in without checking all the facts. To make rash, impulsive decisions. To clap back at that person who you really don’t want to create beef with. Sometimes, being too single-minded can get us into hot water. A sprinkling of chilli peps up the plate and excites the palate. Too much spice is far from nice.

Remember that Aries is the sign of the ram, and those horns can either be used to batter down obstacles in our way and thus charge ahead triumphantly towards our goals… or we can use them to engage in combat with those around us. And usually, when we are distracted by conflict and unnecessary skirmishes, then we’re wasting our time, energy and resources.

This is a crucial lesson from the Aries Full Moon. Where are you trying to fight yourself out of a corner you don’t need to be in? Where are you consistently locking horns and getting yourself into trouble?

What are the legitimate obstacles in your way that you can rally your reserves of strength to tackle, so you can charge through to the greener pastures beyond, thus continuing on your personal journey towards a higher state of wellbeing?

Essentially: What is worth your effort and what isn’t?

Aries energy – and therefore this Full Moon – also infuses us with the necessary courage to face that which daunts us. This is the warrior of the zodiac. It’s placement in your birth chart (what House it is on the cusp of, and whether you have any planets stationed in Aries) determines the kind of fighter you are. The gung-ho combatant who charges into battle with reckless abandon? The tactical strategist who prefers clever manoeuvres? The peacekeeping general who advocates for strength via diplomacy? And what will you fight for?

Aries shows us where we will direct this inner fire. To pursue ambitious career goals? Spark self-expression and unique creative talents? Protect your friends or family at all costs? This is a Full Moon to think about what in your life you are willing to don your armour for.

Full Moons always occur two weeks after a New Moon – the lunar phase linked to fresh starts. It just so happens that a fortnight ago we experienced a Solar Eclipse, which is a supercharged New Moon. They usher in new beginnings with a crash.

Eclipses disturb the status quo so that change must occur.

We have now left what’s known as the Eclipse Portal and the ripples are starting to disperse. The surface is becoming placid, and we can view what is reflected to us – the evolved version of ourselves that has developed from the seeds of disruption. It is in this glimmering mirror of our subconscious that the Full Moon casts its luminous glow and we begin to see things clearly.

‘We need to prepare for the possibility that things could bubble over’

What is evidently no longer aligned with the version of yourself you wish to embody? What doesn’t fit with the transformed vision for your future you now hold dear? Aries is also the sign of renewal and rejuvenation – the fleece of the ram is sheared, and while at first the animal may look vulnerable, it’s a necessary process for its ultimate health and comfort. Over this Full Moon, we are given the opportunity to release what no longer serves us, making way for new beginnings.

A final thing to bear in mind over this Full Moon is that both the Sun and Moon will be squared by the planet Mars, which is incidentally the ruler of Aries. Mars therefore represents very similar things – vitality, drive, aggression and assertiveness. In Roman mythology, Mars is the God of War.

Does this add more gasoline to the Full Moon fire? It sure does, and the issue is that a ‘square’ is an aspect when two planets are at a 90° angle and are in conflict. It brings up tension and confrontation. Yeesh. When we have the Moon in Aries, launching our emotions to the surface and infusing us with a desire to have things our own way, challenged by Mars in water-sign Cancer, steadily boiling the liquid until the saucepan rattles and shakes… well, we need to prepare for the possibility that things could bubble over.

Be careful about getting into fights, disagreements or a battle of wills in the days surrounding the Full Moon on Thursday 17th. If there was ever a time to swallow that chill pill, it’s this week. Do everything you can to remain calm. Avoid situations or conversations that you know put you straight on a train to Testy Town. Try to delay them until next week, and if you do get a truly obnoxious or irritating email or message, then shut down your computer or phone and give it a good hour before even thinking of replying. Bonus points if you can ask someone else to rage-check it for you. Oh, and Mars in Cancer brings out the passive aggressive sniper in all of us, so be mindful of veiled hostility – both demonstrating it and being on the receiving end.

Don’t freak out, though. There is huge potential to use this Full Moon to make giant strides towards your goals, courageously working to release yourself of the limiting beliefs, situations and circumstances that were previously obstacles in your path.

‘Be careful about getting into fights, disagreements or a battle of wills’

There is also the potential to burn all your bridges and emerge, dazed and soot-smudged some days later, wondering how the hell you’ve found yourself in this pile of wreckage.

So: Take things slow. Focus on deep breathes before impulsive action. Stay true to yourself and remember: you don’t need to prove anything to anyone. And before you step onto the battle ground, ask yourself if this fight is worth your time, energy and the resulting fall-out that could occur.

Tips for the Aries Full Moon

Think back to the Solar Eclipse in Libra two weeks ago. Where were you encouraged (or perhaps forced) to make some key alterations in life – either from a flash of awareness that you want things to change, or because the Universe threw you a challenging curveball? What fresh start did you decide you were embracing? And what obstacles, limiting beliefs or sabotaging mindsets are still hindering you that you can focus on releasing with this Full Moon energy?

Where have you been expending most of your energy? Whilst the Moon is in Aries, the Sun sits in the opposite constellation of Libra – the sign of balance and harmony. Where are you squandering your life force and your precious commodity of time on things that don’t serve your ultimate goals? How can you readjust the balance?

Equally, where do you need to have courage and take gutsy action? Where have you been sitting on the fence? The low vibration of Libra is indecision. Is it time to tip the scales? Remember, you’re allowed to be self-assured and firm over a Full Moon. Just ensure you’re not putting the ass into assertive by being a bully.

Move. Release excess energy. Engage in dynamic activities or exercises that allow you to let off steam – boxing, aerobics, weight-lifting or an energising vinyasa flow are all fantastic.

Avoid confrontation. In the days surrounding a Full Moon, do things that you know calm your nervous system. Light scented candles. Wear soft fabrics in gentle colours. Bake or slow-cook a casserole. Drink herbal teas instead of an excess of caffeine, eat grounding foods like root vegetables instead of extra spicy or garlic-laced foods, and don’t binge on sugar.

HAVE COMPASSION FOR YOURSELF. Don’t get frustrated, irritated or stressed if you feel all over the place. Roll with it and if you need to, just blame it on the Full Moon!

Horoscopes for the Full Moon in Aries

These will helping you decipher where to channel this fierce, feisty energy. Read primarily for your Rising Sign (don’t know your Rising Sign? Find out here) and for your Sun sign if you’d like extra insight.


This Full Moon lights up your 1st house of identity, marking a moment of personal revelation and completion. You may feel a strong urge to focus on yourself—your desires, your needs, and your independence. Well, what’s new, Aries! But seriously, this is a time to celebrate how far you’ve come and to release anything that is no longer aligned with your authentic self.

If you’ve been holding back on taking bold action in any area of your life, this Full Moon will likely push you to step into your power. What outdated beliefs about yourself are you ready to shed? How can you move forward with more courage and confidence?

However, with Mars in your 4th house of home and family, emotional tensions in your private life may challenge your sense of self. You might feel pulled between your desire for personal freedom and your responsibilities or unresolved conflicts at home.

This is a time to release the past and let go of emotional baggage that has been holding you back. Allow yourself to assert your individuality without feeling guilty about the needs of family members. Balance your inner world with the outward changes you’re ready to make.


This Full Moon shines a spotlight on your 12th house, bringing hidden emotions, unconscious patterns, or spiritual revelations to the surface. It’s a time of closure and release, inviting you to let go of anything in your life that feels like a burden.

This lunar energy can be deeply healing if you allow yourself the space to reflect, meditate, and tune into your intuition. What secrets or self-limiting beliefs are you ready to confront? How can you embrace solitude to gain clarity on what’s been blocking your growth?

With Mars squaring the Full Moon from your 3rd house of communication, however, you may find it challenging to articulate what you’re feeling or face conflicts in your immediate environment. Misunderstandings with siblings, neighbours, or in daily conversations might stir up frustration.

It’s essential to release the need to defend yourself or overthink your responses. Don’t let that Taurean belligerence be your downfall! Focus on finding peace within, and let go of the small, daily stresses that cloud your judgment. This is a powerful time to let go of mental clutter and focus on inner healing.


The Full Moon in your 11th house highlights your social networks, friendships, and long-term aspirations. This is a time to reflect on your role within your community and to consider whether your current affiliations are helping you move toward your goals. It’s a moment of culmination where you may achieve something you’ve been working towards with a group, or you may realise that it’s time to distance yourself from social dynamics that no longer serve your higher purpose.

How are your dreams evolving, and what alliances are helping you get there? Sure, as a Gemini you thrive on friendship and connections, but not all of these threads are golden. Which can be cut?

Mars in Cancer squares this Full Moon from your 2nd house, creating tension around finances and self-worth. You may feel a clash between your personal values and the expectations of the groups you’re involved in.

Are concerns about money or resources holding you back from fully embracing your long-term dreams? This is a time to release fears around financial insecurity and trust in your ability to support yourself while pursuing your bigger visions. Let go of any limiting beliefs that make you feel undervalued or that block your progress toward your dreams.


This Full Moon activates your 10th house of career and public reputation, illuminating your professional achievements and the legacy you’re building. It’s a time of recognition where your hard work and dedication may come to fruition, or you may realise that it’s time to pivot toward a new path.

Reflect on what you’ve accomplished and what goals you’re ready to set moving forward. How do you want to be seen in the world, and what steps can you take to elevate your professional life?

However, with Mars in Cancer squaring this Full Moon from your 1st house of self, personal frustrations and emotional intensity may spill over into your professional world. You may feel torn between your need for self-care and your ambitions, or perhaps you’ve been too focused on your career at the expense of your personal well-being. It’s time to release any tension between your public and private selves.

Don’t be afraid to assert your needs but avoid letting personal irritations sabotage your professional relationships. Do NOT send that snarky email to your boss or threaten to quit if you don’t get the corner office. Balance is key.


The Full Moon in your 9th house lights up your desire for expansion, adventure, and learning. This is a time to reflect on how far you’ve come in your personal growth and how your worldview is evolving.

You may feel called to explore new philosophies, plan a long-awaited trip, or dive into higher education. Whatever sparks your passion for discovery, this Full Moon encourages you to follow your curiosity and expand your horizons. What beliefs or old paradigms are you ready to release to make room for new possibilities?

With Mars squaring the Full Moon from your 12th house, however, there may be underlying fears or hidden emotions holding you back. Old wounds or subconscious blocks could be causing anxiety, preventing you from fully embracing the adventure or knowledge you seek.

This is a powerful time to release any emotional baggage or self-sabotaging behaviours that limit your growth. By facing your inner shadows, you can step forward with more confidence and clarity, ready to embrace the opportunities the world has to offer.


This Full Moon in your 8th house highlights themes of transformation, shared resources, and deep emotional bonds. It’s a time for shedding old skin, letting go of what no longer serves you, and embracing a new chapter of emotional or financial rebirth.

Whether it’s releasing a toxic relationship, paying off a debt, or healing from a past wound, this Full Moon brings the opportunity for profound change. As a Virgo, the act of purifying and cleansing yourself comes naturally. What are you ready to release in order to step into a more empowered version of yourself?

Mars in Cancer squares the Full Moon from your 11th house, suggesting that group dynamics or social expectations may be creating tension. Are you allowing the opinions of friends or society to influence your personal transformation? Perhaps you’re feeling torn between your inner emotional process and external pressures to conform.

It’s time to release the need for external validation and focus on what truly matters to you on a deep, emotional level. Trust that by letting go of what weighs you down, you’ll create space for more authentic connections and personal power.


The Full Moon in your 7th house puts the spotlight on your relationships, bringing matters of partnership, love, and collaboration to the forefront. This is a time to evaluate how balanced your connections are – whether romantic, professional, or personal.

You may experience a culmination in a relationship, either deepening your commitment or realising that it’s time to move on. How can you create more harmony in your relationships, and what are you ready to release to cultivate more fulfilling connections?

However, Mars in Cancer squares this Full Moon from your 10th house of career, which might create a push-pull dynamic between your personal life and professional ambitions. Are you allowing work pressures to interfere with your ability to nurture your closest relationships? It’s important to release any habits or patterns that make you feel as though you have to choose between love and career.

Find ways to assert your needs in both areas without feeling guilty about prioritising one over the other. Balance between your personal and professional lives is key.


The Full Moon in your 6th house of health, daily routines, and service asks you to reflect on your habits and how they contribute to your overall well-being. Are your current routines supporting your physical and mental health, or is there something you need to change?

This is a time to let go of any unhealthy habits, clear out clutter in your daily life, and create space for more efficient and balanced ways of living. How can you take better care of your body and mind? In what ways is your job causing frustration or disillusionment, and what steps can you make to alter this?

Mars in Cancer squares this Full Moon from your 9th house, stirring frustration or tension around your broader goals, beliefs, or desire for adventure. You may feel pulled between your daily responsibilities and your need for personal growth or exploration.

It’s important to release any rigidity in your mindset that prevents you from finding joy in the present moment. Focus on balancing your day-to-day life with your larger aspirations. By letting go of limiting beliefs, you’ll create more space for expansion and fulfilment in both areas.


This Full Moon shines brightly in your 5th house of creativity, romance, and self-expression, bringing clarity around what ignites your passion and joy. It’s a time to reflect on whether you’re fully engaging in activities that allow your vibrant spirit to shine.

Are you pursuing hobbies that bring you pleasure, or have you been holding back due to fear of judgment? This lunar phase encourages you to let go of any inhibitions that prevent you from being your true, adventurous self, making room for new creative pursuits and romantic experiences that resonate with your heart.

However, with Mars in Cancer squaring this Full Moon from your 8th house, deeper emotions and hidden fears might surface, particularly around intimacy and shared resources. You may feel a push-pull between your desire to express yourself freely and the need to address underlying issues related to vulnerability or power dynamics in your relationships.

Use this energy to confront any emotional baggage that’s been weighing you down and release what no longer serves you. By embracing both your creative desires and emotional truths, you can move forward with confidence and authenticity in your relationships and pursuits.


The Aries Full Moon illuminates your 4th house of home, family, and emotional foundations, making this a powerful time to reflect on your personal life and domestic environment. You may find yourself questioning whether your home life aligns with your deeper needs and desires or if there are aspects of your family dynamics that require a shift. This lunation encourages you to be bold in establishing your emotional security and nurturing your roots.

If you’ve been holding back from asserting your needs within your family, this is your moment to shed old patterns and embrace a more empowered approach to your personal life. It’s also inviting you to be vulnerable with your self-care needs Capricorn – something that doesn’t always come naturally.

Use this Moon to focus on your desired emotional foundations, not just the success you hope to achieve in life. Creating a steady base from which to work from will serve you in the long-run. Mars in Cancer, squaring this Full Moon from your 7th house of partnerships, adds a layer of tension around relationships. You may feel torn between your home life and the needs or expectations of a close partner.

This energy could bring underlying conflicts to the surface, especially if you’ve been compromising too much to maintain harmony in your partnerships. The challenge is to assert your independence and emotional needs without disregarding the importance of connection. Finding balance here will help you achieve personal fulfilment and strengthen your relationships.


This Full Moon activates your 3rd house of communication, learning, and local community, inviting you to express your ideas and engage more deeply with your immediate environment.

Whether through writing, conversations, or local ventures, this lunar phase encourages you to break free from mental constraints and share your unique perspective with others. And hey, if anyone has innovative, unusual and trailblazing perspectives to offer, it’s an Aquarius!

If there’s a project or idea you’ve been hesitant to voice, now is the time to release your fears and step into the light of expression. However, Mars in Cancer squaring the Full Moon from your 6th house of daily routines and health adds some tension. You may feel pulled between your desire to communicate and engage with your community and the practical demands of your everyday life.

This transit can stir up frustration around your schedule, making you feel constrained by routine. The key is to release any rigid thinking or perfectionism that prevents you from pursuing your interests. By balancing your daily responsibilities with your need for creative expression, you can cultivate a more vibrant and fulfilling life.


The Full Moon in Aries illuminates your 2nd house of values, finances, and self-worth, urging you to confront any limiting beliefs around money and what you truly value in life. This is a significant time for release, especially if you’ve been clinging to fears or insecurities that hinder your financial growth or sense of self-esteem.

The Aries energy empowers you to face these issues head-on and shed what no longer aligns with your values, making space for new opportunities and abundance. Where has fear of lack or your own abilities been holding you back, and what courageous action are you willing to take?

With Mars in Cancer squaring the Full Moon from your 5th house of creativity and romance, you may experience tension between your desires for joy and your deeper emotional connections. You might feel torn between wanting to express yourself freely and dealing with heavier emotional dynamics in your personal life.

The challenge here is to find harmony between pursuing pleasure and addressing the transformative work necessary in your relationships. Release any creative blocks or fears of vulnerability, allowing yourself to engage fully with both your passions and intimate connections in the compassionate, creatively-charged way that Pisceans are so admired for.

Zodiac compatibility, explained



If your Venus is in the sign of Aries, you need to feel loved and inspired to be happy. And, when it comes to romance, you’re torn between wanting to stay safe and nurtured and wanting something a little more adventurous. You’re most compatible with someone who has their Venus in Leo and in Sagittarius. ‘Because they’re fire signs—like Aries—they’re going to be fun to be with, and they’ll feed your flame,’ Page explains. That means you’ll (almost) never have a dull moment together…even after decades of marriage.

But, of course, opposites attract, too. If you’re looking for a hot fling, not an LTR, go for someone with their Venus in Libra.

Aya Kaykeda


You want recognition for being special, Leo, and there’s nothing wrong with that. You believe life should be exciting, and that includes your love life (duh). So, your best bet at astrological romance is with another fire sign, Venus in Sagittarius and in Aries.

Believe it or not, your opposite isn’t a water sign. It’s an air sign: Venus in Aquarius. While you might think a lot of sparks will fly between fire signs, there’s ‘a whole lot of spark’ between these two, says Page. Since air signs are all about intellectual connection, an Aquarius can bring a lack of competition to the relationship and help you explore new ideas.

Aya Kaykeda


You’re inspired by knowledge and new ideas, Venus in Sagittarius. You always want to try something exciting and different—with someone equally on board by your side. You’ll find just that in fellow fire signs, Venus in Aries and in Leo, according to Page.

When it comes to opposites attracting, keep an eye on Venus in Gemini. They’re an air sign, so you might run into conflict when they’re not down to try every crazy, exciting thing you throw their way before thinking it through. Still, if you can nail an intellectual connection, your sexual one will be Off. The. Charts.

Aya Kaykeda
fire sign and fire sign


Those with their Venus sign in Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius all bring the heat as fire signs. Together, they’re passionate, forward, and direct in their approach to love, Clervoix says. If you’re both fire signs, you’ll be great at taking initiative with each other, while also keeping up the facade of the ‘chase’ that can make relationships sexy and exciting.

In short, you both have a tolerance for a bit of game play when paired together. ‘It’s all about the pursuit,’ Clervoix says. ‘They want the energy from the other person to stir something up in them,’ she says. Basically, fire signs aren’t shy about what they want, and they want someone who is action-oriented and will put in the effort they find attractive.

Jewelyn Butron
gemini april 2024 horoscope


You’re not always sure what you need, Venus in Gemini, so you often look for experience and guidance in an S.O. You crave a mental connection based on communication, so you’ll be most compatible with your fellow air signs: Venus in Libra and in Aquarius.

If you’re looking for sparks to fly, your opposite attraction sign is Venus in Sagittarius. Just be ready for those sparks to flame out after you don’t see eye-to-eye on one too many topics.

Aya Kaykeda
libra zodiac sign


Those with their Venus in Libra are the astrological equivalent of ‘good texters.’ You want intellectual stimulation and communication all day, every day, according to Page. So you need someone who thinks like you—and will always return your texts—a.k.a. your fellow air signs, Venus in Aquarius and in Gemini.

On the flip side, your opposite attraction sign is fiery Venus in Aries. They have a strong ego and will bring excitement to your relationship—the bennies of which you’ll reap in the bedroom, trust. Just know that a gust of wind (in the form of intellectual differences, for example) could snuff out this flame.

Aya Kaykeda


You want to express your uniqueness and be accepted for who you really are, Venus in Aquarius, which may or may not explain why you like talking—a lot. You need a sign that can keep up with your intellect, which is why you’re most compatible with your fellow bags of hot air, Venus in Gemini and in Libra, says Page.

When it comes to opposite zodiac signs, you probably won’t be able to resist someone with fire sign Venus in Leo. You’re both independent and have a desire to help others. But that, combined with a fire sign’s need for near-constant excitement, can leave you feeling lonely if you don’t spend enough time focusing on each other.

Aya Kaykeda
air sign and air sign compatibility


If your Venus is Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra, you’re most compatible with your fellow air signs. You all share the same energy and spirit—usually one that’s very self-sufficient and independent. And since two air signs in Venus will understand this about each other, that makes them a great love match, Clervoix says.

And yep, air signs are also very communicative, which means that together, they are able to easily talk about the needs and conflicts they might have without straight-up breaking things off at the first sign of trouble, Clervoix notes. They’re also quite logical, though, so odds are most fights will resolve without a need to hash a ton out anyway.

Jewelyn Butron
air sign and fire sign


While the same elements are typically drawn to each other, there are other pairs that make a particularly good Venus match: Like fire and air, for example, who have the ability to be a flirty, fun, and dynamic pair, Clervoix says.

Passionate fire signs often need a physical outlet to express their energy, and they tend to be pretty outward-focused. This is what makes air signs a great match for fire signs, says Mesa. “Air provides the logic, the same way how when we breathe, we get oxygen to the mind,” she explains. When a fire sign is agitated and is compelled to act out, their air sign partner will provide them with logic and calm to help them in the right direction, Mesa says.

Jewelyn Butron
water sign and water sign


People with their Venus in Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio are water signs, and if you get two of ’em together, odds are there’s going to be a *lot* of emotions present in this duo. TBH, water signs are known for having a lot of depth to their feelings, Clervoix says, so when they get into a relationship together, there’s a lot of space for them to understand each other’s (many) passions.

Basically, it’ll be lots of long talks and safe spaces to work through all the ~deep feels~ that come up when you’re dating someone—and they’re kind of better equipped to handle each other than any of the other elements, Mesa says.

Jewelyn Butron
cancer zodiac


If your Venus is in Cancer, you have a lot of emotions—and you’re not afraid to share them with a partner. “Water signs need to have their feelings understood,” says Page. And who better to understand a water sign’s feelings than another aquatic? That’s why you’re most compatible with Venus in Pisces and in Scorpio. (Especially Scorpios—their strength, intensity of emotions, and ability to surrender sexually is really hot for you.)

If you’re looking to knock boots with an opposite sign, hit up a Venus in Capricorn. They’re an earth sign, so together you can create a whole new world… as long as you don’t end up muddying the waters (sorry, had to).

Aya Kaykeda


You dig intensity, perseverance, and strength, so you need an equal partner in life, Venus in Scorpio. You feel deeply and want to share your emotions with someone you trust wholeheartedly, says Page. That’s why she recommends finding love with other water signs, Venus in Pisces and in Cancer. They just ~get~ you.

Your opposite sign is Venus in Taurus, an earth sign. They can help ground you in a relationship, but they might not completely understand how you’re feeling (sigh). Still, whenever you get into arguments, you can always depend on some seriously hot makeup sex, says Page.

Aya Kaykeda


You can struggle to feel anchored in this world, Venus in Pisces, which is why you need someone who understands—and validates—your feelings. You’re all about having an emotional connection, says Page, so you need a partner that prioritises that, too. Enter your fellow water signs, Venus in Cancer and in Scorpio.

Your opposite attraction sign is Venus in Virgo, an earth sign that will likely help you ground some of those feels. Your sexual connection will be undeniable, but things might get a bit, uh, rocky when it comes to your emotional connection. Earth signs love being cozy and comfortable, but an in-depth heart-to-heart isn’t always as important to them. It’ll be up to you whether you’ll want to get over that…or over them.

Aya Kaykeda
earth sign and earth sign


Like the other elements, those with their Venus in Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus—a.k.a. the earth signs—tend to gravitate toward each other. ‘They have that emotional stability,’ Mesa says, and like the actual element itself, they’re very ‘grounded’ as a couple. (Translation: Not a ton of outbursts and door-slamming kinda fights in this duo.)

‘Earth is very tangible, and it’s all about the here and now,’ Mesa explains. Basically, this pair is going to value the personal time they have together, and when they’re with each other, it’s all about the relationship. They’re not vying for the other’s attention 24/7 because they already have it!

Jewelyn Butron
taurus april 2024 horoscope


You crave unconditional love and want to attract someone, instead of having to do all the work to pursue them. (Read: You’ve definitely played hard to get before.) Because Taurus is an earth sign, you’re grounded in relationships, preferring to cozy up on the couch than bar hop all night long. ‘If someone with Venus in Taurus tries to date a fire sign, they could get scorched,’ says Page. So your best match is someone whose Venus is also in an earth sign—either Venus in Virgo or in Capricorn.

If you’re looking for a hot hookup and nothing else, let opposites attract with a Venus in Scorpio.The opposites can be more sexy because you can feel the electricity across the room,’ Page explains. ‘So there might be more fights, but there will also be better makeup sex.’

Aya Kaykeda


You’re attracted to what you don’t understand, Venus in Virgo, and aren’t into people who are superficial. That’s why your fellow earth signs—Venus in Capricorn and in Taurus—are your best match. Like you, these signs are ‘very touchy-feely,’ says Page, and just want to be comfortable with their person, a.k.a. Netflix and chill—emphasis on the chill.

But if you’re looking for a good time, not necessarily a long time, you might wanna slide into the DMs of your opposite sign: Venus in Pisces. Since they’re a water sign, they’ll bring an emotional intensity that’ll translate to some serious chemistry in the bedroom. (There might be a tad too much drama for a lasting relationship though…)

Aya Kaykeda


If your Venus is in Capricorn, you’re all about cuffing season (and not just because your bday likely falls during it). According to Page, these signs are super touchy-feely, want to be totally comfortable around their partner, and like doing activities together, especially when those activities don’t require leaving the house. So your perfect match is—surprise, surprise—fellow earth signs, Venus in Taurus and in Virgo.

Your opposite sign is water sign Venus in Cancer. They can bring the mystery and depth of emotions that your logic-loving self needs, and you’ll be attracted to the spontaneity they can inject into your life. Just make sure they know when you need a timeout, mkay?

Aya Kaykeda
earth sign and water sign


Another element duo that pairs well together? Earth and water. ‘They’re a little bit more emotional and stable with how they are together and what they want,’ Clervoix says. They also aren’t looking for people who play games, unlike air or fire pairings.

‘Water is very compassionate, empathic, subliminal, and it very much helps the earth find that safety and grounds it,’ Mesa says. In this way, earth signs get a bit of emotional reciprocity through the water signs (who always have deep feels), and it helps them hold down the fort of their energy and mental state. ‘Together, they create stability,’ Mesa says.

Jewelyn Butron

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full moon over a dark sky


Your Moon sign suggests what’s hidden in your personality – the true you.

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