Despite being two of the world’s largest economies, with their GDPs valued in trillions of dollars, the United Kingdom and the United States grapple with a...
The UK’s financial industry regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, has been slammed as “incompetent” in a scathing report from politicians. They claim the FCA is “too...
The top 100 taxpayers in the UK collectively paid a staggering £3.9 billion of income and capital gains tax in 2022/23, the equivalent of £39 million...
A new report from Barclays says ‘right-sizing’ could be an important part of the solution to the UK’s housing crisis – if properly incentivised. Whilst the...
UK pension scheme Nest is working with the finance giant Legal & General to invest up to a billion pounds into Build to Rent schemes. At...
Bad news – the Bank of England is widely expected to hold its base rate at 5.0% when its Monetary Policy Committee meets on Thursday. Since...
Five of the most expensive construction projects in the UK’s history total a whopping £150bn. Some of these developments have made a successful contribution to the...
Hywel Ball, EY UK Chair, said: “The UK recorded a rise in inward investment projects last year, outperforming most other countries in Europe. There were standout...
New data has revealed that the UK is projected to be in the world’s top two online gambling nations in 2024, with estimated revenue of £11.01...
Women in the U.K. are four times less likely than men to be among the top 1% of earners in financial and professional services, according to...
UK hospitality group KERB has today revealed how its innovative business has successfully enabled food entrepreneurs to succeed. The pioneering London based company, which nurtured Pizza...
Britain has become a work-shy nation and the ever increasing numbers of people putting their hand out for a sub is for me indisputable evidence of this truth....