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Local elections results – live: Andy Street loses tight West Midland mayoral race



Local elections results – live: Andy Street loses tight West Midland mayoral race

Sadiq Khan casts his vote in the London Mayoral election

Labour has claimed victory in the West Midlands mayoral election beating Conservative candidate Andy Street in a tight race.

The newly elected mayor, Richard Parker, secured a majority against his opponent who has served two terms and held office since 2017.

The result is the latest in a string of Labour mayoral and council wins nationwide as the Conservatives suffer historic blows.

Labour’s Sadiq Khan has secured a third term as Mayor of London beating Conservative Susan Hall earlier on Saturday.

Mr Khan secured just over 1,088,000 votes to be re-elected London Mayor, a majority of some 275,000 over Conservative rival Susan Hall, who secured just under 813,000 votes.

Rishi Sunak also suffered terrible losses in council elections as the Conservatives lost more than 400 councillors and control of ten councils.

State of play as of 5:20pm

Total no of councils – Lab 50 (+8) | Lib Dem: 12 (+ 2)| Con: 6 (-10) | Ind & Others: 1 (+1) | Greens: 0 | NOC: 36 (-1)

Councillors – Lab 1,140 (+185) | Lib Dem: 521 (+104) | Con: 513 (-473) | Ind & Others: 228 (+93) | Green: 181 (+74) | RA 48 (+11) | Workers Party of Britain 4 (+4) | Reform 2 (+2)


Labour celebrates shock West Midlands win

Labour’s deputy national campaign co-ordinator and Lewisham MP Ellie Reeves posted on X: “Congratulations @RichParkerLab.

“An incredible result and significant victory.

“Right across the country people have voted for change and the message is clear…

“It’s time for a General Election and a Labour govt to get our country’s future back.”

Athena Stavrou4 May 2024 20:22


Andy Street loses tight West Midland mayoral race

Labour has claimed victory in the West Midlands mayoral election beating Conservative candidate Andy Street in a tight race.

The newly elected mayor, Richard Parker, secured a majority against his opponent who has served two terms and held office since 2017.

Athena Stavrou4 May 2024 20:17


London Assembly results declared

With all 14 constituencies of the London Assembly declared, Labour had 10 seats, the Conservatives three and the Liberal Democrats one.

Athena Stavrou4 May 2024 19:38


Coventry results declared in West Midlands mayoral race

Labour candidate Richard Parker got 32,704 votes in Coventry, with Tory hopeful Andy Street on 23,237 – leaving the incumbent West Midlands Mayor ahead by more than 11,400, with Sandwell the only council yet to declare.

Athena Stavrou4 May 2024 19:25


Count Binface reacts to beating Britain First’s candidate

London mayoral hopeful Count Binface said “down with fascism, up with Ceefax” after discovering he had beaten Britain First’s candidate Nick Scanlon.

He told reporters at City Hall: “It looks like I have defeated Britain First in an election.

“Come on, you have to cheer about that…down with fascism, up with Ceefax, what can I say?”

Athena Stavrou4 May 2024 18:41


More West Midlands mayoral results:

Andy Street pulled in 37,345 votes in the Dudley borough, compared to 24,807 votes for Labour’s West Midlands mayor candidate Richard Parker.

With results in Coventry and Sandwell yet to be declared, Conservative candidate Mr Street has a lead over Mr Parker of around 20,900.

Labour won heavily in both Coventry and Sandwell in this week’s two-candidate Police and Crime Commissioner elections.

Athena Stavrou4 May 2024 18:31


Labour win Birmingham city in West Midlands mayoral vote

Labour’s West Midlands mayor candidate Richard Parker polled almost 14,000 votes more than Andy Street in the Birmingham City Council area.

Mr Parker received 80,251 votes in the city, followed by Mr Street (66,296) and a strong showing of 40,923 votes for independent candidate Akhmed Yakoob.

In Walsall, Mr Street polled 24,735 votes, Mr Parker 18,097 and Mr Yakoob 8,451.

Athena Stavrou4 May 2024 18:14


Watch: Moment Britain First London mayoral candidate interrupts Sadiq Khan’s victory speech

This was the moment that Britain First’s mayoral candidate Nick Scanlon interrupted newly re-elected mayor of London Sadiq Khan’s victory speech after winning a historic third term.

‘Khan killed London’ the candidate shouted while walking around the stage behind the mayor, who won 43.8% of all votes cast, before being warned that security would remove people who disrupted the speeches.

Mr. Khan secured just over 1,088,000 votes to be re-elected London Mayor, followed by his conservative rival Susan Hall, who secured just under 813,000 votes.

Moment Britain First London mayoral candidate interrupts Sadiq Khan’s victory speech

This was the moment that Britain First’s mayoral candidate Nick Scanlon interrupted newly re-elected mayor of London Sadiq Khan’s victory speech after winning a historic third term. ‘Khan killed London’ the candidate shouted while walking around the stage behind the mayor, who won 43.8% of all votes cast, before being warned that security would remove people who disrupted the speeches. Mr. Khan secured just over 1,088,000 votes to be re-elected London Mayor, followed by his conservative rival Susan Hall, who secured just under 813,000 votes.

Athena Stavrou4 May 2024 17:53


Susan Hall says Sadiq Khan should stop ‘patronising’ people who care about London

Susan Hall has said Sadiq Khan should stop “patronising” people who care about London.

Speaking at City Hall after the election results came in, she said: “I’d like to congratulate all my fellow mayoral candidates and congratulate Sadiq on his victory.

“Spending a year campaigning for this election has been an honour and a privilege. I have loved speaking to Londoners about the things that matter to them.

“The thing that matters the most, and to me, is reforming the Met and making London safe again. I hope Sadiq makes this his top priority.

“He owes it to the families of those thousands of people who have lost lives to knife crime under his mayoralty.

“And I hope too that he stops patronising people, like me, who care. This isn’t an episode of The Wire, this is real life on his watch.”

Athena Stavrou4 May 2024 17:50


Sadiq Khan ‘proud’ to have gained increased margin for third-term

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said he was proud after gaining an increased margin of victory in his record third-term.

Speaking at City Hall, Sadiq Khan said: “We faced a campaign of non-stop negativity, but I couldn’t be more proud that we answered the fearmongering with facts, hate with hope, and attempts to divide with efforts to unite.

“We ran a campaign that was in keeping with the spirit and values of this great city, a city that regards our diversity not as a weakness, but as an almighty strength – and one that rejects right hard-wing populism and looks forward, not back.

“It’s truly an honour to be re-elected for a third term, and do so with a record level of support from Londoners, with an increased margin of victory.”

Athena Stavrou4 May 2024 17:48

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