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How to enjoy holiday favourites at home



How to enjoy holiday favourites at home


Sangria is the go-to summer drink in the Med. Chef Andrea Ravasio says that different fruits like peach and banana are often added in Spain. In summer months, seasonal fruits like melon and red apples, work well, too. He also recommends mixing in triple sec or Cointreau alongside the red wine.

Ángel León, chef at Gran Meliá Sancti Petri, agrees on experimenting with different types of alcohol: “Try adding some cream sherry, amontillado or fino.”

Now make


This cold soup is the taste of Spanish summers and Dani Garcia, head chef at BIBO Shoreditch, is a fan of keeping it simple. “The most important trick of the recipe is to not add water, since the tomatoes already provide enough. No bread, no water. And yes, no cucumber!”

Nacho del Campo, executive chef at Camino, says choosing the right tomatoes is key. “Use well-matured tomatoes that have never been refrigerated. To get a good balance of sweetness, mix matured tomatoes with cherry tomatoes.”

There are plenty of other varieties of chilled soup you can try in addition to gazpacho.

Now make

Spanish tortilla

When cooked right, potato omelettes are hard to beat. “For the best tortilla, cook it slowly,” says Ravasio. “I recommend cutting your onions julienne and your potato evenly in cubes of no more than 2cm.

“Pan-fry your onions and potatoes in olive oil at no more than 80 or 90C until they are soft. Then take your potato and onion mixture, add egg and cook your tortilla ‘medium-rare’ with a soft centre.”

Spanish tortilla is not a quick dish. Take your time to cook it gently, bringing out the sweetness and setting the eggs softly. And serve with a garlicky aioli.

Now make

Originally published August 2022. Updated August 2024

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