Everything 2025 has in store for you, according to your star sign
You’re about to dive into the cosmic abyss, where everything you’ve built your personal ‘brand’ with—your money, status, and friendships will be remixed and rearranged. You’ll have a microdose of it all come July 7, 2025 – November 8, 2025, and then it’ll be in full spin come 2026 for the next seven years. It’s kind of like when people have a critical moment of ‘things are fine, but what’s next?’ and you’ll likely start to feel a level of restlessness that can’t be satiated with a quick fix. So, if you’ve been sitting on a novel that’s been brewing inside of you for the past few years or ten, something will sit you down to get it on paper. Expect a cathartic release or two if you’re not afraid to shake your existential table. You’re also being treated to some spice to your career zone, so that a new dream is not just thought about but actualised in real time.