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Pisces Lunar Eclipse 2024: An astrologer reveals how to let go and look forward



Pisces Lunar Eclipse 2024: An astrologer reveals how to let go and look forward

Eclipses are a big deal in astrology. They cause shockwaves and bring about ‘karmic curveballs’ – situations where we are drastically shocked into change and release.

It could be a dramatic nudge to start something new or let go of a situation that has been holding us back. In this transition, we welcome in a brand new version of ourselves. In predictive astrology, we use Eclipses to see what the main ‘theme’ of the year are going to be, depending on the areas of your birth chart that are highlighted.

Eclipses always come in pairs – a Lunar Eclipse (which is a supercharged Full Moon) and a Solar Eclipse (an amplified New Moon). This duo creates what’s known as an Eclipse ‘Season’. We have two Eclipse Seasons a year and are about to enter the second of 2024. This will consist of a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces in the early hours of September 18th, and a Solar Eclipse in Libra on the 2nd October.

If there is something you’ve been avoiding, pushing to the side or hiding in the shadows, chances are it’s going to rear its head during an Eclipse. Things not only come to the surface, but they have the potential to completely change the way we proceed on our spiritual journey.

Eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon are in close proximity to the Lunar Nodes. These are points where the Sun and Moon’s paths intersect. A cosmic vortex gets created during the crossover of these two luminaries, and this amplification of energy creates the conditions that allow us to make huge strides forward on our spiritual path that would usually take months or even years… all in a far shorter space of time.

Send Nodes

The Lunar Nodes are also known as the Nodes of Fate – and the clue is in the name. In mythology, the North Node is associated with the Head of the Dragon. Like a dragon seeking to move ahead, the North Node pulls us toward new experiences, encouraging us to embrace discomfort and step into the unknown. It’s where we must ‘feed’ our soul by moving forward, often leaving behind old habits and attachments from the past.

Individually, it points us toward the lessons we need to embrace in this lifetime to grow and evolve. The North Node encourages us to step outside our comfort zones, leave behind familiar patterns tied to the South Node (our past life karma or early conditioning), and move toward our soul’s true purpose. It serves as a cosmic compass, guiding each person to embrace new experiences and challenges that align with their deeper mission. The North Node offers a powerful reminder that while our individual journeys matter, they are interconnected within the larger fabric of human evolution.

In contrast, the South Node, or the ‘Tail of the Dragon’, signifies where we’ve come from—our karmic baggage or past life experiences. It holds the comfort zones, talents, and familiar behaviours we’ve mastered but must release to avoid stagnation. Just as the tail follows behind, it represents the energy that needs to be let go so we can move toward the head, or the North Node.

Individually and collectively, this dynamic symbolises the ongoing balance between what we must release (the past) and what we must embrace (the future) on our evolutionary journey. Over a Eclipse Season, the opportunities to leap forward on our spiritual path are majorly amplified.

A time for change

Lunar Eclipses are also known as Blood Moons, and these are extra-intense Full Moons. The Earth is directly between the Sun and Moon, so the Full Moon turns a reddish hue due to the light filtering through the atmosphere.

Full Moons are about releasing that which no longer serves, but Eclipses supercharge this. They are focused on chord cutting, cleansing ourselves of unhealthy and outdated thoughts, and rewriting our own stories.

‘Piscean energy can have the habit of avoidance, so notice where you run away from hard truths’

Over this Lunar Eclipse, notice where you are offered the chance to finish, release or shed something that will allow for your evolution. This could mean a culmination of sorts or finding closure. It often means stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing change to make way for opportunities ahead that you’ve been blocking.

The key is not to resist these changes.

The thing to remember is that Eclipses cause us to step into this completely new version of ourselves, sometimes with a crash.

Think of it like a rickety bridge breaking beneath you. Once you cross – and that crossing can be scary, nerve-wracking and you may not even feel you’re brave enough to do it – then the bridge collapses behind you.

You can’t return to the person you once were. But then again, you wouldn’t want to – you have now evolved.

And while it may seem like events are unfolding around you with no control on your part, Eclipses also illuminate your inner landscape, exposing our hidden shadows, emotions, and desires that you often shield from view. Like the Moon emitting its luminous glow on a dark night, these revelations encourage you to embrace discomfort and self-discovery.

In essence, Eclipses serve as potent gateways to self-discovery and actualisation.

Pisces energy and a new cycle

The Lunar Eclipse on 18th September begins a new Eclipse Cycle between Virgo and Pisces that will continue throughout 2025 and even 2026. The plot twists that arrive over this first Pisces Lunar Eclipse may open gates that lead to winding pathways you will continue to navigate over this time.

As the Sun sits in Virgo, the Moon will glow in the sign of Pisces, the dual fish swimming in opposite directions, signifying As Above, So Below. This mutable water sign is associated with spirituality, compassion, healing, creativity and the ethereal world of mysticism. Over this Eclipse, do everything you can to connect with your intuition – whether it’s journaling, pulling Tarot or Oracle cards, free-writing, meditation, yoga, being in nature or near a body of water.

Since this is a supercharged Full Moon, we are also focused on release and cord cutting. Pisces energy shows us where we have allowed other people to overstep boundaries, or where we engage in activities or situations that drain our energy rather than support us. This is a Full Moon to put a stop to the things you diminish your life force and dim your light.

This Eclipse is also a chance to see where you’ve been avoiding the reality of a situation. Piscean energy can have the habit of avoidance, so notice where you run away from hard truths, or numb yourself from difficult scenarios, then try to challenge yourself to assess the present and notice what needs to change.

Remember that Full Moons bring emotions to the surface and make us more sensitive, and an Eclipse will only amplify this. Don’t shy away from the ‘big feelings’ that arrive for you. Whether it’s euphoric joy, waves of anxiety, luminous hope or a sense of regret, allow yourself to sit with these emotions and have compassion for yourself in experiencing it all. Notice what they are trying to tell you about your current situations. Allow your emotions to be guiding points to help you navigate your path forward – this is the gift of a Pisces Lunar Eclipse.

Horoscopes for the Pisces Lunar Eclipse 2024

Certain areas of your life will come into prominence during this Pisces Eclipse, so read these horoscopes for your Rising Sign if you know it, and your Sun (Star) sign if you don’t.


This eclipse shines a light on your subconscious, Aries. Pay attention to the vivid dreams and strong gut feelings that arrive over this Eclipse Season – they’re trying to guide you. Karmic curveballs may suddenly end long-standing habits or hidden fears, pushing you toward spiritual renewal. Over this Pisces Lunar Eclipse, don’t be afraid to dive deeper to unearth where healing still needs to take place.

This Full Moon can dredge things up from your subconscious, making you starkly aware of the pain which is still blocking you from stepping into the life of adventure you yearn to lead. Notice where something has come to an end or is restricting you, but you’ve held off taking the final step towards closure.

It’s time to let go of old burdens to make space for inner peace and heightened intuition. Your best course of action? Use this Eclipse to embrace your inner power, face a fear, and finally reach a necessary conclusion to make way for renewal in 2025.


This Lunar Eclipse flings your social circles and long-term aspirations into the spotlight, Taurus. Karmic curveballs might suddenly shift your friendships, revealing who’s truly supportive of your soul’s growth. Use the intuitive energy of Pisces to help navigate you in exploring the transformative power of cutting ties with those who no longer align with your path.

Have you outgrown certain friendships or associations? Are there people in your life who drain your energy or hold you back from your full potential? It may be time to release them and create stronger boundaries to protect your own growth, so be highly attuned to what your gut is telling you about your companions.

Consider joining a new group or network where you can meet people who resonate with your unique journey and can offer support and encouragement as you continue to evolve. If a plan for the future falls through, then treat this as a chance to explore a new avenue. Your key reminder of this Eclipse – one door closes so that another one can open.


Career shifts are on the horizon, Gemini, and this Lunar Eclipse may deliver a karmic curveball in your professional life. If it seems like a reckoning or that something needs to end, then notice what these deep intuitive feelings are calling you to face.

How have you been playing it safe in your career? Are you being pushed towards a more creative or spiritual path? This is a lunation to examine how confident you feel being seen by the public and to consider taking control over your future plans. Now is the time to release yourself from any limiting beliefs that are holding you back from embracing more authority and levelling up in your career.

Sudden endings could occur but trust your inner guidance to steer you toward work that reflects your true passions and purpose. Use this powerful eclipse to shed old patterns and embrace a new path forward towards your greatest potential.

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This eclipse could spark a desire to expand your horizons, Cancer, but expect karmic curveballs to shake up your beliefs or travel plans. Sudden realisations may lead you to release old philosophies or stagnant ideas, allowing room for spiritual exploration and new creative pursuits.

Over this Pisces Eclipse, take a closer look at where you might have been limiting your own expansion. If you’ve been feeling the pull to explore new places or acquire fresh knowledge or skills, then question what’s been holding you back from following through with these desires. If this Lunar Eclipse brings some uncomfortable endings, then notice where it’s actually creating space for travel, adventure or education and take the leap.

This lunation might also bring up a chance to reconnect with your spiritual side. Observe where the resistances are coming from. What steps can you take to overcome them, using the power of this Full Moon?


Deep transformation is coming, Leo, particularly in intimacy and shared resources. Karmic curveballs may suddenly end certain emotional bonds or financial arrangements, allowing you to reclaim your personal power.

Over this Full Moon, notice the obsessive thoughts, addictive behaviours and toxic patterns that you seem to circle to throughout life. What has evidently served its time with you? What habit are you cutting out for real, and what people do you need to release from your life? Are there any financial ties that can be severed or find a conclusion?

Listen to your intuition and see where the Universe is encouraging you to face a fear. It might mean shedding something major or accepting one part of you needs to be purged, but in stepping out of this darkness you make way for the light.

Make a promise to yourself that you’ll alter a mindset, situation or belief, in order to break a cycle that has been limiting you. The key to this Eclipse for you is to trust your intuition as you navigate these shifts and embrace the deeper transformation awaiting you!


Partnerships take centre stage over this Eclipse for you, Virgo, and karmic curveballs could lead to sudden culminations in any relationships that no longer serve your soul’s growth. Use this heightened intuition to understand what connections should remain.

Anything that isn’t working or needs to be shed will be thrown into sharp clarity by the glowing light of this supercharged full moon, in order to create space for fresh beginnings next year.

Ask yourself where you’ve been clinging to an assumption, mindset or a scenario that you know has lasted its time. What shadowy narratives are stopping you from embracing a happy, healthy relationship because you find it hard to cultivate self-love, be vulnerable, or show up in partnerships?

It may be that trauma from the past needs to be healed to strengthen your potential in current relationships. Use this Lunar Eclipse to release yourself of anything that is hindering you from embracing a positive and empowered attitude towards your loving partnerships, as these will form the backbone of your cosmic journey 2025.


Your daily routines and health habits are under the Pisces Eclipse’s glow, Libra. Karmic curveballs may disrupt your routines, forcing you to release old patterns that stifle your creativity.

This Full Moon is asking you to assess the practises which form your daily life and see how they serve you and – essentially – how they need adjusting. What habits are stopping you from stepping into a more productive, balanced, empowered version of yourself? Where do you repeat or fall back on habits and routines that are detrimental to where you really want to progress?

If there is an addiction or negative habit that needs to be shed, this is the Full Moon to commit to cutting ties and being disciplined with yourself, in order to make way for a completely new structure in 2025.

Your health and your job role are also highlighted over this Eclipse, and you’re being encouraged to embrace a creative way to harness the determination needed to improve both of these subjects.

Trust in the sudden endings—they’re pushing you toward a healthier, more intuitive approach to self-care.


Creativity and self-expression are illuminated for you over this Eclipse, Scorpio. This supercharged Full Moon may bring karmic curveballs that end old artistic endeavours or romantic connections.

Trust that these sudden endings are clearing the way for new, inspired passions. This is also a lunation to cut out any toxic or dramatic elements from your life. Who or what brings a sense of stress or panic? How can you cut ties or make stronger boundaries?

Remember to pay attention to your unconscious patterns and limiting beliefs, and work towards releasing them during this powerful phase. You can use the energy of the Pisces Lunar Eclipse to release any old wounds or emotional baggage that may be affecting your relationships and your self-expression in art and creativity.

This will help you to move forward with a renewed sense of authenticity and confidence. Your crucial tip is to let your intuition guide your next steps in love and creativity.


Your home and family life come into focus over this Lunar Eclipse, Sagittarius. Karmic curveballs may lead to sudden shifts in your living situation or emotional foundations.

Don’t resist these endings—they’re clearing the way for deeper healing and spiritual growth within your roots and family dynamics. You may find yourself craving introspection so you can untangle some issues from the past which need an energetic clear out.

How can you draw a line under something that’s been pulling you back? Look back to your upbringing and how this may have shaped your current patterns and beliefs – what made a specific impression on you, and do any wounds need healing?

This Eclipse is a wonderful time to finally release emotional baggage that could be holding you back from feeling truly secure. It’s also a superb Full Moon to think about what has served its time with you regarding you living situation. Do you want to have a major clear-out? Is it time to think about a renovation or redecoration? Or has there been a domestic chore on your TTD list that can finally be ticked off?


Communication and your immediate environment are impacted by this Eclipse, Capricorn. Karmic curveballs could disrupt relationships with siblings or neighbours or shift the way you express yourself so you can find a deeper sense of connection.

One of the most powerful ways to work with this Full Moon is to focus on cultivating clear and honest communication. This may involve identifying any patterns of communication that have been holding you back or causing conflict in your relationships. It’s also a time to practice active listening, truly hearing what others are saying without judgment or interruption.

Over this Lunar Eclipse, notice what truths or hidden knowledge you’ve been avoiding that come to the surface. How can you embrace them during this time of transformation?

Let go of outdated ways of thinking or speaking—these sudden changes are paving the way for a more intuitive, creative approach to communication. And if there’s a conversation that has been dragging on and needs closure, this is the time to find it.


This Lunar Eclipse asks you to re-evaluate your values and relationship with money, Aquarius. Expect karmic curveballs that may end certain financial habits or material attachments.

These sudden endings are making space for you to align with abundance in a way that’s more spiritually and creatively fulfilling. Money issues might come to the surface, or you may find yourself noticing where you remain in a comfort zone due to attachment to a sense of security. This could be because you don’t trust your ability to support yourself, you don’t believe fully in your talents, or a bit of both.

This Full Moon will shine a light on where you need to shift your mindset to embrace a life that resonates with your core values. Over this Eclipse, ask yourself what truly matters to you. What do you value most in life, and are your actions in alignment with those values?

This is a time to let go of anything that no longer resonates with you and focus on what truly matters.


This Eclipse may feel like a personal awakening for you, Pisces. The supercharged Full Moon falls in your sign, bringing karmic curveballs that may lead to sudden shifts in how you see yourself.

Let go of outdated versions of yourself and trust that these endings are clearing the way for a more spiritually aligned, creative path forward.

This Lunar Eclipse offers a potent opportunity to release old patterns, so take time to zoom out and assess how you’re presenting yourself to the world. Are you expressing yourself authentically, or hiding behind a mask that is more palatable to others?

The Piscean energy of this Eclipse asks you to create stronger boundaries and release attachment or situations or people who drain you and stop you from stepping into your power. This could mean facing a situation you’ve been avoiding, but remember – trust your intuition on this, and believe it’s for the best.

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Zodiac compatibility, explained



If your Venus is in the sign of Aries, you need to feel loved and inspired to be happy. And, when it comes to romance, you’re torn between wanting to stay safe and nurtured and wanting something a little more adventurous. You’re most compatible with someone who has their Venus in Leo and in Sagittarius. ‘Because they’re fire signs—like Aries—they’re going to be fun to be with, and they’ll feed your flame,’ Page explains. That means you’ll (almost) never have a dull moment together…even after decades of marriage.

But, of course, opposites attract, too. If you’re looking for a hot fling, not an LTR, go for someone with their Venus in Libra.

Aya Kaykeda


You want recognition for being special, Leo, and there’s nothing wrong with that. You believe life should be exciting, and that includes your love life (duh). So, your best bet at astrological romance is with another fire sign, Venus in Sagittarius and in Aries.

Believe it or not, your opposite isn’t a water sign. It’s an air sign: Venus in Aquarius. While you might think a lot of sparks will fly between fire signs, there’s ‘a whole lot of spark’ between these two, says Page. Since air signs are all about intellectual connection, an Aquarius can bring a lack of competition to the relationship and help you explore new ideas.

Aya Kaykeda


You’re inspired by knowledge and new ideas, Venus in Sagittarius. You always want to try something exciting and different—with someone equally on board by your side. You’ll find just that in fellow fire signs, Venus in Aries and in Leo, according to Page.

When it comes to opposites attracting, keep an eye on Venus in Gemini. They’re an air sign, so you might run into conflict when they’re not down to try every crazy, exciting thing you throw their way before thinking it through. Still, if you can nail an intellectual connection, your sexual one will be Off. The. Charts.

Aya Kaykeda
fire sign and fire sign


Those with their Venus sign in Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius all bring the heat as fire signs. Together, they’re passionate, forward, and direct in their approach to love, Clervoix says. If you’re both fire signs, you’ll be great at taking initiative with each other, while also keeping up the facade of the ‘chase’ that can make relationships sexy and exciting.

In short, you both have a tolerance for a bit of game play when paired together. ‘It’s all about the pursuit,’ Clervoix says. ‘They want the energy from the other person to stir something up in them,’ she says. Basically, fire signs aren’t shy about what they want, and they want someone who is action-oriented and will put in the effort they find attractive.

Jewelyn Butron
gemini april 2024 horoscope


You’re not always sure what you need, Venus in Gemini, so you often look for experience and guidance in an S.O. You crave a mental connection based on communication, so you’ll be most compatible with your fellow air signs: Venus in Libra and in Aquarius.

If you’re looking for sparks to fly, your opposite attraction sign is Venus in Sagittarius. Just be ready for those sparks to flame out after you don’t see eye-to-eye on one too many topics.

Aya Kaykeda
libra zodiac sign


Those with their Venus in Libra are the astrological equivalent of ‘good texters.’ You want intellectual stimulation and communication all day, every day, according to Page. So you need someone who thinks like you—and will always return your texts—a.k.a. your fellow air signs, Venus in Aquarius and in Gemini.

On the flip side, your opposite attraction sign is fiery Venus in Aries. They have a strong ego and will bring excitement to your relationship—the bennies of which you’ll reap in the bedroom, trust. Just know that a gust of wind (in the form of intellectual differences, for example) could snuff out this flame.

Aya Kaykeda


You want to express your uniqueness and be accepted for who you really are, Venus in Aquarius, which may or may not explain why you like talking—a lot. You need a sign that can keep up with your intellect, which is why you’re most compatible with your fellow bags of hot air, Venus in Gemini and in Libra, says Page.

When it comes to opposite zodiac signs, you probably won’t be able to resist someone with fire sign Venus in Leo. You’re both independent and have a desire to help others. But that, combined with a fire sign’s need for near-constant excitement, can leave you feeling lonely if you don’t spend enough time focusing on each other.

Aya Kaykeda
air sign and air sign compatibility


If your Venus is Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra, you’re most compatible with your fellow air signs. You all share the same energy and spirit—usually one that’s very self-sufficient and independent. And since two air signs in Venus will understand this about each other, that makes them a great love match, Clervoix says.

And yep, air signs are also very communicative, which means that together, they are able to easily talk about the needs and conflicts they might have without straight-up breaking things off at the first sign of trouble, Clervoix notes. They’re also quite logical, though, so odds are most fights will resolve without a need to hash a ton out anyway.

Jewelyn Butron
air sign and fire sign


While the same elements are typically drawn to each other, there are other pairs that make a particularly good Venus match: Like fire and air, for example, who have the ability to be a flirty, fun, and dynamic pair, Clervoix says.

Passionate fire signs often need a physical outlet to express their energy, and they tend to be pretty outward-focused. This is what makes air signs a great match for fire signs, says Mesa. “Air provides the logic, the same way how when we breathe, we get oxygen to the mind,” she explains. When a fire sign is agitated and is compelled to act out, their air sign partner will provide them with logic and calm to help them in the right direction, Mesa says.

Jewelyn Butron
water sign and water sign


People with their Venus in Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio are water signs, and if you get two of ’em together, odds are there’s going to be a *lot* of emotions present in this duo. TBH, water signs are known for having a lot of depth to their feelings, Clervoix says, so when they get into a relationship together, there’s a lot of space for them to understand each other’s (many) passions.

Basically, it’ll be lots of long talks and safe spaces to work through all the ~deep feels~ that come up when you’re dating someone—and they’re kind of better equipped to handle each other than any of the other elements, Mesa says.

Jewelyn Butron
cancer zodiac


If your Venus is in Cancer, you have a lot of emotions—and you’re not afraid to share them with a partner. “Water signs need to have their feelings understood,” says Page. And who better to understand a water sign’s feelings than another aquatic? That’s why you’re most compatible with Venus in Pisces and in Scorpio. (Especially Scorpios—their strength, intensity of emotions, and ability to surrender sexually is really hot for you.)

If you’re looking to knock boots with an opposite sign, hit up a Venus in Capricorn. They’re an earth sign, so together you can create a whole new world… as long as you don’t end up muddying the waters (sorry, had to).

Aya Kaykeda


You dig intensity, perseverance, and strength, so you need an equal partner in life, Venus in Scorpio. You feel deeply and want to share your emotions with someone you trust wholeheartedly, says Page. That’s why she recommends finding love with other water signs, Venus in Pisces and in Cancer. They just ~get~ you.

Your opposite sign is Venus in Taurus, an earth sign. They can help ground you in a relationship, but they might not completely understand how you’re feeling (sigh). Still, whenever you get into arguments, you can always depend on some seriously hot makeup sex, says Page.

Aya Kaykeda


You can struggle to feel anchored in this world, Venus in Pisces, which is why you need someone who understands—and validates—your feelings. You’re all about having an emotional connection, says Page, so you need a partner that prioritises that, too. Enter your fellow water signs, Venus in Cancer and in Scorpio.

Your opposite attraction sign is Venus in Virgo, an earth sign that will likely help you ground some of those feels. Your sexual connection will be undeniable, but things might get a bit, uh, rocky when it comes to your emotional connection. Earth signs love being cozy and comfortable, but an in-depth heart-to-heart isn’t always as important to them. It’ll be up to you whether you’ll want to get over that…or over them.

Aya Kaykeda
earth sign and earth sign


Like the other elements, those with their Venus in Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus—a.k.a. the earth signs—tend to gravitate toward each other. ‘They have that emotional stability,’ Mesa says, and like the actual element itself, they’re very ‘grounded’ as a couple. (Translation: Not a ton of outbursts and door-slamming kinda fights in this duo.)

‘Earth is very tangible, and it’s all about the here and now,’ Mesa explains. Basically, this pair is going to value the personal time they have together, and when they’re with each other, it’s all about the relationship. They’re not vying for the other’s attention 24/7 because they already have it!

Jewelyn Butron
taurus april 2024 horoscope


You crave unconditional love and want to attract someone, instead of having to do all the work to pursue them. (Read: You’ve definitely played hard to get before.) Because Taurus is an earth sign, you’re grounded in relationships, preferring to cozy up on the couch than bar hop all night long. ‘If someone with Venus in Taurus tries to date a fire sign, they could get scorched,’ says Page. So your best match is someone whose Venus is also in an earth sign—either Venus in Virgo or in Capricorn.

If you’re looking for a hot hookup and nothing else, let opposites attract with a Venus in Scorpio.The opposites can be more sexy because you can feel the electricity across the room,’ Page explains. ‘So there might be more fights, but there will also be better makeup sex.’

Aya Kaykeda


You’re attracted to what you don’t understand, Venus in Virgo, and aren’t into people who are superficial. That’s why your fellow earth signs—Venus in Capricorn and in Taurus—are your best match. Like you, these signs are ‘very touchy-feely,’ says Page, and just want to be comfortable with their person, a.k.a. Netflix and chill—emphasis on the chill.

But if you’re looking for a good time, not necessarily a long time, you might wanna slide into the DMs of your opposite sign: Venus in Pisces. Since they’re a water sign, they’ll bring an emotional intensity that’ll translate to some serious chemistry in the bedroom. (There might be a tad too much drama for a lasting relationship though…)

Aya Kaykeda


If your Venus is in Capricorn, you’re all about cuffing season (and not just because your bday likely falls during it). According to Page, these signs are super touchy-feely, want to be totally comfortable around their partner, and like doing activities together, especially when those activities don’t require leaving the house. So your perfect match is—surprise, surprise—fellow earth signs, Venus in Taurus and in Virgo.

Your opposite sign is water sign Venus in Cancer. They can bring the mystery and depth of emotions that your logic-loving self needs, and you’ll be attracted to the spontaneity they can inject into your life. Just make sure they know when you need a timeout, mkay?

Aya Kaykeda
earth sign and water sign


Another element duo that pairs well together? Earth and water. ‘They’re a little bit more emotional and stable with how they are together and what they want,’ Clervoix says. They also aren’t looking for people who play games, unlike air or fire pairings.

‘Water is very compassionate, empathic, subliminal, and it very much helps the earth find that safety and grounds it,’ Mesa says. In this way, earth signs get a bit of emotional reciprocity through the water signs (who always have deep feels), and it helps them hold down the fort of their energy and mental state. ‘Together, they create stability,’ Mesa says.

Jewelyn Butron

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Bex Milford is a professional astrologer who spends half the year living on a sun-soaked tropical beach in Goa, and the other half exploring European cities. She’s a firm believer that Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows and her approach to self-developmental astrology aims to help women connect with their true source of power and purpose. When she’s not analysing the stars you can find her penning her debut novel from a sunny cafe, three iced coffees down, ready to dance off excess energy to EDM and deep-house. Find out more about her astrology offerings at

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