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UK weather: Had a bad night’s sleep? Here are nine top tips for staying cool in bed



UK weather: Had a bad night’s sleep? Here are nine top tips for staying cool in bed

We’ve all had those nights tossing and turning because it is simply too hot to sleep.

So here are nine ways you can beat the heat and have a better night’s sleep tonight.

1. Drink plenty of water

It may seem like an obvious one, but drinking plenty of water is often overlooked. Cool down from the inside out by staying hydrated with plenty of liquids. It is recommended to drink between 1.5 and 2 litres per day. Pic: iStock

2. Avoid alcohol

Pic: iStock
Bad news for some, but forecasters advise against drinking alcohol in the intense heat, as well as teas and coffees, which act as diuretics and can cause dehydration. Pic: iStock

3. Pyjamas in the freezer…

Pic: iStock
Before going to bed, place your pillowcase or pyjamas in the freezer. It will help you fall asleep and keep cool during the night. Pic: iStock

4 ….and washcloths

Pic: iStock
Sticking a washcloth in the freezer can be especially refreshing to place on your forehead as you lie in bed. Pic: iStock

5. Switch the fan on

Pic: Istock
Fans can help your body regulate its internal temperature – and sticking a pan of ice cubes in front of it can make the circulating air even cooler. If you haven’t got one handy, fill a hot water bottle with cold water instead. Pic: iStock

6. Ditch the duvet

Pic: iStock
Thin cotton sheets will absorb sweat and are more comfortable than duvets. Your body temperature will begin falling during the night – so hopefully you won’t feel warm and uncomfortable for too long. Pic: iStock

7. Stay cool, calm and collected

Pic: iStock
It can be all too easy to start feeling annoyed and exasperated when you’re struggling to sleep. The best thing to do is to try and distract yourself with a relaxing activity such as reading – and try going back to bed when you’re tired. Avoid the temptation to go on your phone as this activity can stimulate you. Pic: iStock

8. Open those windows

Pic: iStock
Opening up your windows and blinds before bed can bring a nice breeze into your room – especially considering it’s usually cooler outside overnight. Just remember to close sunshine-facing windows and draw the curtains in the morning so warm air doesn’t come in. Pic: iStock

9. Sleep on a lower floor

Pic: iStock
If your home has several floors, it might be worth sleeping downstairs. Pic: iStock

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