This is the ambitious plan of Mace from the UK to expand its presence in Peru | Company | build | Infrastructure | Works for taxes | Economy
One of the properties mace It is that during its time in Peru and as part of the G2G Agreement, it introduced mechanisms to improve the implementation of infrastructure works such as Program Management Offices (PMOs), NEC contracts, as well as agile contracting practices.
In this sense, its operations manager, Davendra DabasiaHe explained that the front target of mace He is “It grows“With the aim of participating in other infrastructure projects outside those being implemented with ANIN.”We see Lima as the capital of Latin America mace“, He said.
Oliver CondeRegional Director of macedeclared that they are “Very interested“In participating in the future Subway lines Lemma (3 and 4), there is also interest in Lima – Ica passenger train And what is it called? Male train from Huancayo – Huancavelica.
on, Dapacea He added that the British company’s participation in these works will not necessarily be within the G2G mechanism, because there are other alternatives such as NEC contracts (It is a type or method of contracting that gives priority to the implementation period, allows immediate resolution of any dispute without paralyzing the contract and proposes to pay incentives in exchange for improvements in cost and deadline). “We can work either with the client (such as the state) or with the contractors (those who are carrying out the work). Once the call for this railway is officially launched, we will talk to the MTC to present our intention.“, specific.
The fact highlighted by both executives is that their work with the Peruvian government – through ANIN – is helping to reduce the infrastructure gap, which is estimated to be worth more than S$150,000 million. Thanks to this government authority, the G2G agreement has been extended until January 2026.
Are there possibilities to develop G2G agreements in other sectors outside the scope of ANIN? “we wait“he added number.
Davendra Dabasia, chief operating officer of Mace, explained that the goal going forward is to “grow” with a view to participating in other infrastructure projects. Image: spread
At the same time, she also has The goal is to expand into the private sectorIn which he had previously had experience, specifically with the sports club Lima Alliance Through a master plan to revalue its real estate assets, including Matute Stadium. As supported Markham College In building its new primary school, which opened at the beginning of the year.
“We are in talks with different companies like Anglo American And PetramasIn addition to mining companies and large conglomerates to use the business-for-tax (OXI) mechanism to carry out various works such as roads, airports, sanitation, health, etc. Indian Dapacea. In this context, mace It plans to reach agreements with two companies to develop OxI initiatives in the short term.
Oliver Conde, Regional Director of Mace, announced that they are “very interested” in participating in the future lines of the Lima Metro. Image: spread
- mace is a global development, consulting, construction and operations services company with more than 7,000 employees and gross revenues of US$2.5 billion.
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